The Apiary at Haggard Hollow started in 2020 with a single hive and has since expanded to 9 hives. 

We offer pure, raw honey, in addition to infused honey and creamed honey for sale, you can browse our online shop here

If you would like to know more about our apiary read on.

  • We utilize wooden langstroth 10 frame boxes, with 9 frames.
  • Our bees are prepped for winter in either a 2 deep OR 1 deep / 1 medium box. (we are still experimenting) 
  • The top covers are all Ultimate Hive Covers by Bee Smart .
  • The landing boards are the screened bottom boards with pollen traps by Apimaye-USA
  • Our hives sit on custom built wooden hive stands (which are for sale in our shop!)
  • We monitor our hive temperatures by using T2SM sensors by Broodminder, we also leverage a Broodminder CELL to send us data realtime to ensure colony health and alert us to issues.
      • You can also view our hives on BeeCounted by clicking here and browsing to Arkansas, and then finding our town of Clarksville.
  • Our Pest management program:
  • Varroa Mites: Oxalic Acid delivered only when honey supers are not present utilizing the ProVap110 
  • Small Hive Beetles: Utilize Blasters and small hive beetle attractant. Our hives also sit on stall mats to eliminate the SHB ability to burrow under our hives to reproduce.